
Monday, June 20, 2011

Outreach for Non-profits: 3 things you should do with Twitter

1.     Build your following: Type in search words relevant to your cause and see who is tweeting on those topics and click “follow.” They may check you out and follow you in-kind. When they tweet about something relevant to your cause, consider re-tweeting it. This will allow you to build up a following of like-minded folks and spread your message. Don’t forget to search daily (it only takes a few minutes).

2.     Build a regional network: Find all the non-profits and businesses in your region and follow them. Occasional re-tweet their posts. Try to find the connections between your goals and their goals and consider working on joint projects. Perhaps there is a service you can provide that they need. For example, the Austin Senior Center provides digital literacy programs. They allow local lawyers to use their facilities for pro bono work and receive legal services in exchange. Think about the services you provide and form mutually beneficial relationships.

3.     Recruit volunteers: You have built your following. Now mobilize it. When you need volunteers tweet the time, location and a url for signing up. Repeat the tweet at least once a day and try different times. Reach out to your community partners to re-tweet your message. Don’t forget to add “please retweet” or “pleaseRT.”

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